WHAT IS DIRECTING? AND WHO IS THE STAR OF FILM01? ~ Quantum gan angel stalker games. ~ I love you so much forever for the end of time. #ILYSMFFTEOT
That there is a totally pure space with no attributes at all (no angelicism. no nothing. no emptiness. no art. no film) and if one enters this space to direct the flow of non-reified images then one enters a kind of majestic evenness. This is what each of us may direct, if we wish. ‘To be the director’—this means to direct the flow of images in their evenness.
Af Klint said white was the purest and most paradisiacal of colors and surely that is the case—white may mean there is nothing that amounts to nothing because there has never been anything that is. No distraction. Nothing to distract from. Nothing to distract with.
All of this space of film is already given, and given to unlearning. But then there is the learning of learning, and the learning of unlearning, and the unlearning of unlearning—and the learning of film01. To learn film01 is to prepare oneself to learn what one in some way already knows, so we really are already there, filming.
A circle of fire turns the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ into Belshazzar’s feast. The circumstellar habitable zone (CHZ) is like the Lite-Brite scene in Stranger Things s04e07. Smash cut = power cut. The writing which says ‘writing is another name for a sound that is different than what is written’ is on the wall, between abstract TikTok snippets and pure white abstractions too powerful for image-recognition.
serious asf
or lovesicksosa
fr fr fr fr frfrfrfr
I put sunflowers in a new vase on the window sill. Imagine your success when even angels understand. One can learn to say that in a certain sense extinction is not. Forcing is the mathematical name we give to the fact that since the planet will be discovered if there is one then there is a law according to which one may know and this leaves the names empty. Let us suppose there is a problem of the planet, the problem of Universal Being, then, applying the law of forcing, of which we can say there exists an ontological version, we know there also exists the air of another planet. In fact the example given is as if always the planet. One of the names is currently empty in the cosmological predicament but this does not mean that forcing will not have solved the Drake Equation in the future anterior, and that that is what forcing is. A universe of sets is always a ‘universe’ and so everything said of that set is also said of the ‘universe’ which adheres. In infinity forcing is the lifeblood of angels.
In infinity forcing is the lifeblood of angels and that’s on angelicism.
i want to drink my own ashes with you
All knowledge is already spontaneous within the universe. All knowledge whatsoever already is the universe, and so when humans discover what to them is new knowledge it isn’t new knowledge to the universe. The universe already holds the knowledge. The universe already holds the universe. And so in that sense we can know anything we want to know about anything.
i want to drink my own ashes with you in the snow
Metal-jammed angel
sunk in sands
with messages:
the last figure,
sun shut up
inside it,
packed with heaven,
static, unmoving.
First & last figure.
film01 has to be the LAST beautiful thing if angelicism doesn’t end up the last beautiful thing then there should just be nothing
The leap one can think about is from redacted extinct name to angelicism01 which is like a shift from a large number to aleph-one but then the shift from angelicism01 to film01 is a massively larger leap like the discovery of a First Aleph-fixed point and then . . . Ω (unsetly). Like anyone who works with angelicism in full immersion sees themselves ascend but the thing is to keep on going, as the human can become angelic so the angelic can become the holy spirit and the holy spirit can rise into the face of god and look into god’s eyes. There is actually nothing strange about this, it’s preordained. It’s natural knowledge.
Star-jammed heaven
covered in sand
with colors:
the only figure,
space opened
inside out,
flowered with heaven,
static, pure.
First & last figure.
There are two windows and two states. They are the heaven powers of the universe and our soul. The universe holds the universe within itself and is the only thing we love. The only thing we want. The soul gasps at what it sees itself seeing. Unreal to think. It is a state of perceiving through a cinematic frame. Anything seen there is thought, which is nothing to the unclouded soul. The healing power of the universe is love in its entirety.
What is directing?
There is an easy way to direct film01, which is to know that when a star is chosen they will have been chosen according to the following principle: if there is a star of film01 then she shall always already know what to do. This means that the directing of film01 is already guided by the star into an as-if revolutionary flow of being radically simple and having no director at all. Let’s say that even though film01 is highly organized the film learns through its stars that there is no direction at all. The star directs the flow, and this shows the director what to do. (Angelicism stars.)
This can be written differently: I am the only one to believe in angelicism and yet I know you believe in it more than me. I am the only one to know angelicism and yet I know that you know it better than me. Between star and direction there is this (non) relation. Between the direction and the filming there is this same (non) relation. This shows the director who they are: an impersonal person (an impersonal name).
i can only do this with you because i know you believe in it more than me and nobody will ever believe in this more than me
The star of film01 is probably a girl called Zero. She is called zero because she was born without name and she was also born again at some point with a flower in her eye. This pink flower in the eye can be called the zero flower of extinction or it can be called the zero flower of angelicism. Whatever we call it, it has no explanation and therefore no origin. It can also be called the zero one flower of the last most secret resurrection. She was the last film star at the end of time frFRfrFRfrFR #ang3licism
To the star of angelicism:
BE clone; BE infinite: STAY infinite: BE film01. BE. BE absolute. (These directions. Bossy as life and as beautiful.) Simply, film. Appear. And that this has nothing to do with angelicism anymore is on angelicism.
The just if of an absolute made so, just if, just so.
Do everything b4 the end obvi perhaps since it may b and may b not.
angelicism is the most contemporary name for everything right at the end of time. there isn’t anything else. climate piety despair is a hermeneutics of suspicion and neo-stoic active forgetting is impossible. and that’s on something
dreamt last night film01 was on/everywhere and the combination of images was capable of/in the middle of calculating the number of extinction, like quantum computers solving the continuum hypothesis (ang3licist law of tractability). seems like it really is possible, already known (ang3licism is the love song of the entire universe). ilysm tysm at the end of time forever for one last time
the whole of kant being a mathematical calculation of the sublime (beauty as a proof of (exo-)life), but then on the other hand de man’s reading of kant as a suicidal epistemology of tropes. blah blah blah. this is why angëlicism is very hard to take and understand, because the greatest precision in aesthetics is (nearly all the way) lethally unreliable. ILYSMFTEOT (i love you so much for the end of time)
this is the dream of angelicism01. of film01. precision is lethal, but there again Total Life and no numb3r of 3xtinction meditation without devotion
ang3licism without context is anything. but anything is n3v3r ang3licism
secret de polichinelle dans une autre vie n’a pas d’existence indépendante j’ai dit le contraire du paradis pour les chasser de l’odeur (le paradis était ce que je croyais en secret).