If we dare to wager that Oumuamua was a piece of advanced extraterrestrial technology, we stand only to gain.—Avi Loeb
Three recent threads of note.
The entirety of this thread, especially given that the Biden administration has just announced that naming the virus according to its place of origin is quasi-illegal.
Biden’s memorandum dated 26 January 2021 says for example:
The Federal Government must recognize that it has played a role in furthering these xenophobic sentiments through the actions of political leaders, including references to the COVID-19 pandemic by the geographic location of its origin.
Boyden says in his reading of a Woeser poem:
According to this, the very name ‘Covid’ already does a kind of obfuscatory and shielding work, removing the question of origin and of what it means to say ‘Wuhan Virus’ from sight. Biden merely puts this into law, effectively suppressing any real discussion of how a significant condition of possibility of the present was launched—and all ‘in the name of’ anti-racism.
Note: on War Room, Steve Bannon has dodged Biden’s order by referring not to ‘the China Virus’ but to ‘the CCP Virus’.
Lol. This was a kind of nail in the coffin from the point of view of the winning side, that is, the real retards of our generation, i.e. us.
Surely enough, they did drop.
The responses from DeDeo and Negarestani in this thread don’t actually, in my opinion, make any real sense—at least based on the linked interview alone. In fact, they only serve to prove Loeb’s point about the structural problems and biases in science, and act as a kind of sous-entendu anti-Semitism.
I would say the Oumuamua’s Wager is something like the Election Fraud Wager that Trump has just advanced and continues to be persecuted for—even if it isn’t right in absolute terms, we do know for sure that EVS systems in America have always been used in corrupt ways on both sides, and that it would enhance our ability to address other political questions to confront this issue. DeDeo and Negarestani represent, as has become familiar in the last months, a certain policing function.
Or, they represent the function that wants nothing to do with what could ‘perhaps even stave off our own extinction’.
They just want to keep the sad show afloat for another generation so that they can die in peace.
They—I mean the anthropomorphist machine humming in the foreground—would rather die than prevent extinction. Hence an anonymous poster is blocked merely for pointing out the obvious:
If we dare to wager that the election result in America was part of an advanced form of techno-mediatic coup, we stand only to gain. Why? Simply because ultimately we presume ourselves to be on the side of some form of reason—on the side of what would (eidetically at least) perhaps even stave off—which is to say fully formalize—democratic extinction.
Meanwhile, and because of all this, Trump is—let’s admit it—still president.
CHI-NAA, remember, fellow retards!