Excellent piece. As Siegfried Kracauer documented in "From Caligari to Hitler", film is trying to tell us something. Film is not only a container of time, but what can keep us in time once once Pi's finitude is found and the mystery of the primes made silly and self-evident by the unNoahing deluge we'll deconvolute with increasing computational hubris.

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Wieder mal ganz hervorragend, alle Achtung! Zuerst dachte ich, es würde auf so eine Art schlankes Bustos-Domecq-Stückchen hinauslaufen, aber es geht natürlich weiter. Doch wenn Film-als-Zivilisation nur ein müder, grauer Pappkamerad ist, eine Attrappe angesichts des Großen Bewusstseins – in welchen Fällen (und aus welchen Gründen) ist die Attrappe dann besser geeignet als das Original?

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by angelicism01

Guys finnegans wake is poggers, I think you will enjoy it

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by angelicism01

Dark hawks hear us!

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A: Hey!

A (hold): Hello.

Lb: u r wrong

T: “u wanna make a movie where u fall up into my sweat-lubed ass crack”

T: “see u soon!”

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Jun 24, 2022Liked by angelicism01

I don't follow you super closely, but while your on your whole extinction kick, you should check out Vortex. It's a harrowing journey of death and decay, and it's a much better film than Memoria IMHO.

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ur blog changing my life.. cinema is the only form beauty can take .. everything beautiful is cinema

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